Ahmad Arif, Chairman of Compass Ring of Fire Expedition Team, is on the crater of Mount Barujari active in the caldera of Mount Rinjani, on Thursday (30/09/2011).
JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com - Ring of Fire Expedition Compass Team on Friday (30/09/2011) afternoon, managed to climb the crater of Mount Barujari, 2376 meters above sea level the status is still active.
The team members twice tried to reach the new crater and on the second successful ascent through thick clouds and high winds from Hurricane caldera.
Mount Barujari, son of Mount Rinjani in Lombok island, West Nusa Tenggara, had erupted and smoke belching thick brown with a height of 1,200 meters in May 2010. The behavior of this mountain becomes an important indicator of active magma in the Rinjani complex.
A day earlier, the team reached the summit of Mount Rinjani with a height of 3,726 meters above sea level, also suffered a strong wind. After the peak of Rinjani, this morning, using a rubber boat across the beauty of Segara Anakan team to achieve a new mountain named Mount Barujari.
Segara Anakan is the caldera of Mount Rinjani on the west side with an area of about 3,500 square meters x 4,800 meters. "After wading Segara Anakan, we made it to Mount Barujari are still active, the caldera storm could stop us, but until well into the crater," said Ahmad Arif, Chairman of Compass Expedition Team.
"We actually tried to climb up twice, the first ascent had failed because of thick clouds and strong winds. Today the weather was sunny although still cold wind blowing, we finally managed to reach the crater Barujari, "said Arif.
"Line in Barujari dominated loose rock, derived from igneous young. Many of the rocks found the bomb ex-eruption in 2010, "he explained. At the foot Barujari, the team watched a lot of bubbles and hot water flowing.
"The crater of smoke and we felt the earthquake a few times. Many rock avalanches, his voice loud rumble, "said Hidayat of Kompas.com Fikria.
In the climb Rinjani, the team also followed the ritual of the people who climb Rinjani Sembalun tube to follow the procession of 11 young people self-purification. "The ritual ends with a hot water bath in the lake Segara Anakan," said Arif.
Tonight team has just arrived in the post pelawangan, Senaru. Tomorrow starts at 10.00 and went down the day after that is planned to continue the journey to Bali. prepare for the ascent of Mount Agung.
Ring of Fire Expeditions is a collaboration Kompas, Kompas.com, and KompasTV, strengthened R & D and Compass graphics. Search purposes volcanoes and fault lines was to be more familiar with the ring of fire lines which are expected to familiarize us that Indonesia is rich of natural resources in addition, also prone to disasters.
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